




Woman wearing black shirt presenting in classroom setting to students attending workshop on Workplace Culture of Respect and Inclusion.

Building a Culture of Respect: Private/Public Sector

Photo of a white Jewish woman with brown hair giving a presentation smiling. She is wearing black pants and a teal top.

UN Women Georgia: Sexual and gender-based harassment prevention




Photo of a white Jewish woman with glasses and dark brown hair on a screen giving a virtual presentation on zoom - there is a powerpoint with the words "safety and security" in an orange box , "confidentiality" in a green box, "respect" in a light blue box and "non-discrimination" in a dark blue box.

UN Women Georgia: Coaching on reporting processes

Panel of four women, sitting in front of audience, for YES Advancing Women in Stem.

Yes: Coaching Women in STEM Champions

Policy & Reporting Processes

Policy & Reporting Processes

Policy & Reporting Processes

First page of report of DIGNA's case study number six. Title: Becoming a survivor centered organization, Crossroads International's Experience.

Crossroads International: Sexual Violence Prevention

Learning & Development

Learning & Development

Learning & Development

Cover of a publication on a white background with the title: Reporting Mechanisms and Community Engagement. Underneath is a word cloud.


Light green, blue and yellow puzzle pieces fitting together in top right hand corner. Text in middle is "Deep Dive into Diversity, Equality and Inclusion". Seven icons at the bottom: person icon on light pink circle, balance icon on light purple circle, heart icon on light blue circle, pencil icon on very light blue circle, gear icon on light green circle, speaker icon on yellow circle and text bubble icon on peach circle.

UN Women Manual: Deep Dive into DEI

Sample Thought Leadership

Sample Thought Leadership

just one q with dr. melissa horne

Just One Q Podcast with Dr Melissa Horne

Top: Blue and green text on white background: "Supporting survivors of sexual exploitation and abuse: A how-to guide for creating support resources." Bottom: picture of individual touching bridge of their nose with index fingers. Paint on index fingers.

Supporting Survivors of SEA: A How-to Guide Creating Support Resources: Digna

Drawing of individual with purple shirt discussing with individual with orange shirt. Text below drawing: "Gender Trainers and Covid-19. What have we learned from the pandemic? Virtual Dialogue Report 2021."

Gender Trainers and Covid-19: UN Women Training Centre Panel Talk

Article about Executive Contributor to Brainz magazine. Text on right side, picture of dark haired woman smiling on left side.

Executive Contributor Article Series: Brainz Magazine

Screenshot of a woman giving a virtual presentation. The slide she is showing has text that says wheel of power and privilege with a graphic.

Gender responsive and inclusive workplaces: UN Women Georgia

Balado HEC Montreal - 4 shapes (one in green, one in yellow, one in light blue and one in dark navy), leading to the HEC Montreal Resolument Durable et Responsable logo which is two letter Ds intersecting, one in green, and the other in blue. Space where the letters overlap is yellow.

Building a culture of respect podcast: HEC (FR)

Illustration on a white background of hands merging together that are in various colours including blue (on the outside), then red, green and inside is a red hand shaded with flecks of orange and yellow on a couple of the fingers.

The Trauma-Informed Future of Work: ALG article

Right side: drawing of female and male symbols interlinked with equal symbol in the middle. Left side: White text on blue background "Blueprint for Gender Equality Leadership in the Canadian Private Sector."

Contributor, Blueprint for Gender Equality in the Private Sector

Blue background in the shape of a mountain with blue sun streaks peering over. On left side, portrait style picture of Brunette woman smiling at the camera. Text on visual is " Transforming Trauma Episode 126: Adriana Leigh. Presented by The Complex Trauma Training Center".

Narm Training Institute - Transforming Trauma Episode 126: Adriana Leigh

Title page of report: Dark blue, light blue and black writing on white background. Text reads "Ontario Workplace Health Coalition. Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace: Discussion Paper Response."

Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace: OWHC

Brown background, paintbrush strokes under text in red, orange and pink. Text in yellow and brown: "From Sharing Knowledge to Collective Empowerment"

Best Practices: Institutionalization of Gender Equality: CQFD & EQUITAS

Picture of a website page. Top of the image is a beige square with the Imaara Survivor Support Foundation logo on the left, followed by website menu items: Home, About, Projects and Support Us. Below is a teal background with green square in middle. Words within the green square are "Imaara Survivor Support Foundation".

Imaara Survivor Support Foundation: Understanding Trauma, Resilience, & Wellness