⭐️Celebrating a win! The manual on which the ALG team, UN Women and HRPA • Georgia have been working since last year has finally come out!
⭐️Here’s UN Women’s first Deep Dive into Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, available for Women’s Empowerment Signatories (WEPs) signatories. ✍🏻
⭐️ It is a comprehensive resource for those who want to introduce and implement DEI and harassment prevention policies in their companies with practical steps and tips.
⭐️ The manual offers insights and tools to design, implement, and track progress against policies, fostering an intentional organizational culture that aligns with the WEPs.
⭐️ To get the access to the manual you must sign up for the Women’s Empowerment Principles.
A heartfelt thank you goes to the partnership and hard work of Ana Pashalishvili Sergo Nozadze Elene Gabelaia Salome Ghachava Goncha Sadayeva, PMP®, ALG Consulting we did it! 🎉